Homepage Motif Database


MethMotif is an academic TFBS database developed at the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore

If you currently use MethMotif, please cite us as follows:

Quy Xiao Xuan Lin, Stephanie Sian, Omer An, Denis Thieffry, Sudhakar Jha and Touati Benoukraf. (2018) MethMotif: an integrative cell specific database of transcription factor binding motifs coupled with DNA methylation profiles. Nucleic Acids Res., 10.1093/nar/gky1005. [Manuscript]

A manuscript describing MethMotif API - TFregulomeR has been published. If you currently use TFregulomeR, please cite us as follows:

Quy Xiao Xuan Lin, Denis Thieffry, Sudhakar Jha, Touati Benoukraf. (2019) TFregulomeR reveals transcription factors’ context-specific features and functions. Nucleic Acids Res., 10.1093/nar/gkz1088. [Manuscript]

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, bug reports, etc, feel free to email Touati Benoukraf (benoukraf@nus.edu.sg) or Quy Xiao Xuan Lin (lin.xx@u.nus.edu).